We proudly meet demanding quality requirements on a daily basis and accommodatingly fulfill the dreams of our customers with various medical conditions, as well as people’s ordinary wishes to wear comfortable and environmentally beneficial shoes. See for yourself and check out the testimonials of satisfied wearers of our comfortable shoes.
Quality guarantee thanks to TEKO TRADE s.r.o.
TEKO TRADE s.r.o. Partizánske supplies EPUR s.r.o. Brodzany with the upper material, i.e. natural cowhide leather. For its production, only domestic raw material is used, which is processed in local tanneries. The material used guarantees a high quality of the produced footwear.
A new generation of footwear in cooperation with Dow Europe GmbH
Dow Europe GmbH is the supplier of the VORALAST™ H² PU system for footwear production. The new generation of the H² system fully meets the requirements in terms of workmanship, quality, and safety.
Pred rokom som si objednal pracovné topánky od firmy Epur a som veľmi prekvapený kvalitou, komfortom a aj cenou! Keďže pracujem v oblasti stavebníctva, potrebujem mať pohodlnú obuv, ktorá vydrží aj náročné podmienky. Topánky nosím 5-6 dní v týždni 8 až 10 hodín denne. Topánka sa nosí pohodlne, neotláča, žiadna stvrdnutá koža na chodidlách (nikdy odtlaky). Obuv je veľmi ľahká, proste top pohodlie, ktoré človek potrebuje keď nosí topánky väčšinu času počas dňa. Za mňa všetkými 10 odporúčam nákup topánok značky Epur!!! Veľmi pekne ďakujem za super produkt.
What is said about our products
I want to thank you for being one of the few who really deals with the problem of diabetics (diabetes, footwear, healthy feet, health,…) and tries to solve it.
In the past, I bought black Manager shoes from you. I am very satisfied with these shoes and therefore I would like to order another pair from you. Since I have slightly asymmetrical feet, I would like to ask you for the left shoe size 42 and the right 41. Thank you in advance for your services.
I am glad that there is a manufacturer in Slovakia that produces such high-quality and comfortable footwear for diabetics and for people who care about the health of their feet and comfortable walking. I wish you much success in your work and satisfied customers.
Your “three-layer sole” in footwear for diabetics is truly unique!!!
After a long and futile search for comfortable shoes for my feet (hammer toes), I happened to come across your product in OD Dunaj in Bratislava – black lace-up shoes with a Dia Comfort sandwich structure sole. They are the first shoes since my youth that didn’t give me pressure relief and pain when walking. I didn’t delay and bought another one, because I have experience that what is good and proven is discontinued. I hope you will produce more products like this for older ladies who want to be elegant and don’t want to resort to sneakers.
Do you have an experience with us?
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